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Time Magazine Cover Story, December 19, 2013 "Master of the Universe: Why Carl Icahn is the most important investor in America".Portion of the article follows... ...he (Icahn) thinks there are plenty of corporate business models that will continue to be disrupted by technology, from auto components to the movie industry. "Before the advent of all this stuff with Netflix and streaming, it was tough to put together a group of five smart guys and do a movie for a massive audience without a huge distribution network. Now you can," Icahn says. "There is great opportunity for someone there." We are that someone. Please peruse our website and decide if you agree. |
New Concept
No one has done what we seek to accomplish. We will be the first fully participative audio-visual entertainment company.
What does 'Fully Participative' mean?
We are adherents to the principles of wikinomics first described in James Surowiecki's 2005 seminal book, The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter than the Few and how Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies, and Nations. Surowiecki cites many examples where collective judgment proved superior to expert decisions. Rather than starting with name actors or a ‘can’t miss’ script, we begin with our audience (FlixPik members) and work back to script, director, cast, and music – basic marketing, but a radical change in film production. Derivative wikinomics texts suggest film making as a good application of collective judgment. But, to date, not done.
Proven Concept
FlixPik will be the first fully participative film making company. However, audience participation in film sales is not an unproven concept. 2006 Snakes on a Plane, which will be discussed in the Investment Page, was a participative film field trial that successfully demonstrated that the public will enthusiastically participate in creating audio/visual entertainment and purchase copies of completed entertainment they helped create.
Participative film making differs radically from the traditional film making model, but is, at the same time, a return to basics. If you want to produce a high-quality film, you gather all applicants for the script, director, and cast parts and select the best available as determined by your intended audience. That is the essence of participative film making.
Participative film making at FlixPik
Free Website. Our members select the script, director, and cast for each production. Every script and audition we receive will be treated the same. Member volunteers screen initial applicants to come down to a top three or four which are voted by our members at large.
Members are encouraged to submit scripts, auditions, and music to us for consideration in our productions. Our selection criterion is simple. We want the best regardless of the source. Our objective, with every production, is to be the best and we can only have top entertainment by finding the best script, director, and cast available for each project.
Think about it
How many of us have wanted to be on the 'big screen' in a leading role? But, we lack an agent and access. Some of us are writers and would like to see our stories animated in film. Others have songs and background music to enhance an entertainment production. Some are intrigued with movie costuming, sets, locales, ... And we will expand our member participation opportunity to include film critic and film investor.
FlixPik is your unique opportunity to show your gift to the world. If you have a 'winning' script, can creatively tell a story with dialog and visual images, are 'right' for an acting part, want to suggest makeup, costumes, sets, film locations, ... join as a member, it costs nothing and takes little time. And then submit as often as you want.
Writers will particularly love us. $100,000 for a winning script. With one new film per month in the popular genres, we have neither the time nor inclination to revise a script before filming. For actors and directors, each new film is like an open audition.
And it does not matter where you live, your age, gender, prior experience,…. Initial films will be in English, but, as soon as we can, we will expand into all major language markets with films in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese. ... to provide audio/ visual entertainment to our members in their native language and culture.
Our revenue model is simple. Members purchase downloads and streaming of audio/ visual entertainment they helped create. Our members are our audience and primary revenue source.
Long Term Opportunity
Television viewers increasingly record favorite entertainment and watch it on their computers, hand held devices, and television sets. Netflix is the dominant audio/ visual entertainment distributor. We have entered the ‘Neflix’ era where viewers watch what they want where and when they want from the internet. As a consequence, Netflix, Amazon Studios, HBO, Apple, AT&T, Disney, the film studios, … are lining up to produce ‘content’ for rapidly growing internet entertainment demand. And they are mostly using name actors and costly production of current film making.
FlixPik, when fully operational, with a dozen or more worldwide participative film production units, each producing one new film per month, will produce high volume, quality entertainment for internet viewing.
FlixPik will help advertisers with entertainment that includes sponsored products or services integral to the storyline.
We will invite filmmakers to sell their completed entertainment downloads to our members. Producers who do well with member ratings and sales will have the opportunity to submit project funding applications to FlixPik members.